The Misguided Sainthood of Mrs. Kleiner

Trying to get it right with the best of intentions.

Location: Seattle, Washington

I have been married to the delicious Joe Kleiner for 6 years. I got preg in 1999 & miscarried at 17 weeks. I was depressed for a very long time. I now know I have PCOS, an endocrine disorder and leading cause of infertility. Joe and I both felt compelled to adopt foster children so we called ANTIOCH ADOPTIONS. They are committed to helping normal people adopt & to getting kids out of foster care. Our kids came home in the fall of 2001. Bret (8), Nene (7), and Tony (5). In 2004 we were contacted because the kids had a new biological sister and through God's amazing providence we now have her too. Yes, that's four-ages 12, 10, 9 and 1. This is where the mythology begins. Often people who don't know us hold to an erroneous and misguided belief that I am special, a saint if you will. That THEY would never be able to live my life. That God has not CALLED THEM to fostering or adopting. I disagree with every cell of my being. I am no saint. But I do believe that Jesus calls us ALL to care for the fatherless, to love the unlovable, and to die to ourselves. So this is my attempt to set the record straight.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Frickin Sick Day

My 10 y-old daughter woke up with the fever, crabby, body pain. So she stayed home from school. When I went to take my son to school, I had left the lights on so my vehicle didn't start. After much swearing and an immediate headache I called both schools to say "the Kleiner kids are on hiatus today" and went inside the house to a day filled with army men noises, sappy ass Disney movies that make me want to die, and a baby off kilter from all the excitement.

But oh blessed Lord, you have made provisions for your humble and sarcastic servant and preordained from the beginning of the month that tonight I shall wear lipstick, wash my hair and leave the Kleiner chaos for drinks with my girls. The Pink Door--7pm. I'm even going to class it up a bit and forgo the usual Jack n Coke for something girly and delisch...any ideas?

Thank you Miss Charin for being our designated driver.

I promise I have more substance to me than this...I wil write something glowing and heavenly as soon as the alcohol from this evening wears off. Though that does remind me of the term "drunk-dialing" from my Alaska drinking days. I'll try to avoid drunk-blogging and save us all the embarrassment.


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